Twelve Angry Men

I re-read Twelve Angry Men shortly after seeing a performance of it a couple of weeks ago. Martin Shaw and Robert Vaughn star in a production at the Garrick Theatre at the moment. The cast delivers an excellent performance of the play and I just wanted to know whether it was the production I liked or whether it was the original play - so, I wanted to investigate...
What I am taking away from the re-read is that the issues portrayed in the play by eleven of the twelve jury members are pretty timeless: 1. Minorities will draw the attention and suspicion of the people building the "majority" of a society; 2. Some people will always look for scapegoats; 3. Some people will project their own failings onto others; 4. Some people make decisions to suit their immediate wants and needs; 5. Some people need to be challenged to doubt their own convictions; 6. Some people will not question the most outrageous stories; 7. Some people are uncomfortable making a decision; 8. Some people are very comfortable making other people's decisions; 9. Some people get ignored; 10. Some people will not question the obvious. However, (11.) some people are willing to weigh up all the facts before passing judgement.
Or maybe, Rose only added the last character in order not to paint too bleak a picture of humanity.