Daviot (Tey) - Dickon - Act I, Scene 5

Oh, come! Why should four distinguished members of the Council—(He enumerates them with a wave of his hand)— The Archbishop of York, Lord Hastings, Lord Stanley, and the Bishop of Ely, be held to require supervision?
You fret, Hastings, you fret.
We should be thankful that things go so smoothly.
You think so? When you have campaigned as long as I have, you can smell trouble.
Many a time I have looked at a countryside where not a leaf was stirring, and smelt the ambush in it.
LoL. In my head, I may have read Moreton's lines, and especially the line "You fret, Hastings, you fret." in a Belgian accent.
That's very inappropriate of course, but I guess some books have left an impact.