Booklikes-Opoly! - Roll & Book Selection

Annapurna - Eric Shipton, Nea Morin, Janet Adam Smith, Maurice Herzog My Traitor's Heart: A South African Exile Returns to Face His Country, His Tribe, and His Conscience - Rian Malan Woza Shakespeare!: Titus Andronicus In South Africa - Gregory Doran, Antony Sher King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa - Adam Hochschild

Having finished The Singing Sands, today is a new roll day for me.


You rolled 2 dice:

2 2

Timestamp: 2019-06-01 17:20:49 UTC


...which takes me to:


15. My husband, Mr. MR, is a big fan of the mountain vacation.
Read a book with a tree (or trees) on the cover, or that is set in a mountain community.


Uh, ok. Right. Well, ... Erm, ... I have a few options there, but since Lillelara and I are planning on a buddy read on The Climb, and perhaps some others, I think I'll go for Maurice Herzog's Annapurna

I have very low expectations for this one. Based on some comments I have read about Herzog and this particular expedition, I have a feeling that we won't get on, in which case I at least get to whittle down Mt. TBR by another book. However, Annapurna can still prove me wrong, and it would not be the first time that a book has that impact. 


Also, I may change my book choice if it turns out that Sourcery is set in a mountain community. ;D



And because, I rolled doubles, I get another roll:


You rolled 2 dice:

5 4

Timestamp: 2019-06-01 17:30:12 UTC


...which takes me to:


23. The Cape-to-Cairo Railway
Read a book set on the continent of Africa, or by an author from any African country.


One of the benefits of BL-Opoly is that I get to scour my bookshelves for unread titles and get to work (unofficially, since this is "the year of free-range reading") on Mt. TBR. 


There are actually three books I have on my shelves that fit this particular prompt:


My Traitor's Heart by Rian Malan,

Woza Shakespeare by Antony Sher, and 

King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild


I will make a decision once I finish Annapurna and Sourcery. At the moment, I am leaning towards Malan's book. Not only has this been on my shelf the longest, but it might actually be the least challenging (even if have I no expectations to this one being a fluffy read either). 


Date Bank Square Title Pages DNF DNF @ Page # Rating Notes
May 20 $20             (Starting Bank Balance)
May 20 $3 5 Death on the Nile 320     5  
May 22 $0 Jail Ladies' Bane 237     3.5  
May 24 $3 15 Savage Summit 303     4  
May 24 $1 25 Bel Canto 319 1 50 1 Memorial Day Bonus Roll # 1
May 24 $3 35 The Division Bell Mystery 254     4 Memorial Day Bonus Roll # 2
May 27 $5 Go - -     -  
May 27 $3 4 Ways of Escape 309     3.5  
May 30 $3 11 The Singing Sands 246     4  
June 1   15 Annapurna         Doubles roll; in progress
June 1   23 tbc          
 Total $41              


Cards in Pocket:

The Cat