The 2018 Mt. TBR Project - End of August Update

With August behind us, I have lots of updates one the Mt. TBR Project. With Halloween Bingo looming, I had dedicated the month of August to reading exclusively (as far as possible) from the physical Mt. TBR. And this worked a treat.


I have also made some executive decisions: Mythos (Fry) and Words are My Matter (Le Guin) will be amnestied from the TBR pile. I'm not going to start Mythos until the Holmes buddy read (we use the audiobook narrated by Stephen Fry) is finished which will not be before the end of the year. So, no point in keeping Mythos on the pile that is to be read in 2018. Similarly, the Le Guin collection is a book I know I will love and keep. It can live in its forever-spot on my shelf right away.


And because I read a couple of books from my physical shelves that aren't part of the Mt. TBR Project, I get to swap them for two books that are - which is an option I will keep until December.


Let's get to the  shrinkage without any further delay:


End of August Mt. TBR: 


End of July Mt. TBR: 


End of June Mt. TBR:


End of May Mt. TBR:


End of April Mt. TBR: 


End of March Mt. TBR:


End of February Mt. TBR:


End of January Mt. TBR:


Start of the Year Mt. TBR:


The Stats:


Books read this month: 23

Mt. TBR Books read this month: 19 (2 DNFs)


Women / Men / Team*: 54% / 44% / 2%

Fiction / Non-fiction*: 73% / 28%

% of original Mt. TBR read: 97%

% of live Mt. TBR read**: 80% 


Available swaps (not made yet): 2


(* - of all books read since 01 January 2018)

(** - live Mt. TBR includes new purchases added throughout the year)  


Link to the original Mt. TBR (2018) post.

Link to the original Mt TBR (2018) Reading List.


Rules - same as previously - are that I picked a stack of physical books off my shelves at home which I would try to read over the course of the year. Any new purchases are added to the pile. If I pick another physical book of my shelves, I get to take one off the pile and put it on the shelf - as a substitute.