2016: The Twelve Tasks of the Festive Season
Thanks to Moonlight Blizzard and Obsidian Claus for creating a fun new challenge to see us through the end of the year.
I'll keep this as the main post and will add all updates and links to individual posts for the tasks below once they are complete:
Task the First: The Winter Wonderland:
- Read a book that is set in a snowy place; or
- If you are lucky enough to live in a snowy place, or even if you aren't, take a walk outside and post a picture of something pretty you encountered on your way.!
Task the Second: The Silent Nights:
- Read a book set in one of the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and/or Denmark), where winter nights are long! or
- Get your hygge on! Hygge is a Danish concept that relates to being content and cozy. Put on your fuzziest socks, light a candle, and spend some time (reading) in front of the fireplace or your coziest nook. Post a picture if you want!
Task the Third: The Holiday Party:
- Read a book where a celebration is a big part of the action. Examples would include holiday parties, country house hunting/weekend parties, weddings, etc.; or
- Make something that is considered party food where you are from, and post a picture of it on booklikes.
Task the Fourth: The Gift Card:
- Read a book that you either received as a gift or have given as a gift; or
- Give a book to a friend and post a picture of the wrapped present.
Task the Fifth: The Kwanzaa:
- Read a book written by an African-American author or set in an African country.
- Make a small donation to a charitable organization that operates in Africa.
Task the Sixth: The Hanukkah:
- Let the dreidel choose a book for you: create a list of four books, and assign a dreidel symbol to each one (Nun = miracle; Gimel = great; He = happened; Shin = there, i.e. Israel). Google "spin the dreidel," and a dreidel comes up for you to spin. Give it a spin and read the book that the dreidel chooses! or
- Make a traditional Hanukkah food like doughnuts or potato latkes. Post a picture, or tell us how they turned out!
Task the Seventh: The Christmas:
- Read a book set during the Christmas holiday season; or
- Grab your camera (or your phone) and set up a Christmas bookstagram-style scene with favorite holiday reads, objects or decorations. Possibly also a cat. Post it for everyone to enjoy!
Task Eighth: The Movie Ticket
- Read a book that has been adapted to a holiday movie; or
- Go see a new theater release this holiday season (during November/December. This does not have to be a holiday movie, so yes, Fantastic Beasts will qualify).
Task the Ninth: The Happy New Year
- Every year you get a little bit older! Read a coming of age novel or any old favorite comfort read to start the new year right; or
- If you're feeling brave, post a holiday picture of yourself from your childhood or misspent youth.
Task the Tenth The Holiday Down Under
- Read a book set in Australia or by an Australian author, or read a book you would consider a "beach read"; or
- Christmas crackers are a traditional part of an Australian Christmas. Buy some (or make your own) to add to your festivities and share some pictures!
Task the Eleventh: The Polar Express
- Read a book that involves train travel (such as Murder on the Orient Express); or
- Read a classic holiday book from your childhood (to a child if you have one handy) or tell us a story about a childhood Christmas you'd like to share.
Task the Twelfth: The Wassail Bowl
- Read a book set in the UK, preferably during the medieval or Victorian periods (for those of us doing the Merlin read-along, the Crystal Cave works for this task); or
- Drink a festive, holiday beverage, alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Take a picture of your drink, and post it to share - make it as festive as possible!