
Stealth - the new Rina Walker thriller! (Rina Walker 4) - Hugh Fraser



This was confusing, all over the place, predictable, lacking plot, thriving on completely nonsensical and gratuitous violence and ... I am so disappointed. 

There was hardly any character development with respect to Rina or anyone else other than her baby sister growing into her own badass-style of assertiveness.


Other than that, I have the same issues with this book as I had with the first instalment, Harm, except there was no longer anything fresh or intriguing about the story.


Could it be that Hugh is churning out these books too fast? Not enough time to develop a plot? Or a point?


Yeah, this was not good.



Previous Reading updates:


Halloween Bingo - New Release

Reading progress update: I've read 105 out of 320 pages.

Reading progress update: I've read 111 out of 320 pages.